Batch Watermark CGM

Apply text and or image watermarks to multi-page files

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Batch Watermark CGM

Mark a series of CGM files with custom watermarks (e.g. Marked RELEASE, DRAFT, FINAL, TOP SECRET, and etc.), or a company logo. Additionally, can be used to create custom footers and headers common to architectural and engineering plans (e.g. company name, date/time, project, principle, client, and etc.)

Script or template can be edited in a simple text editor. SDI provides a baseline file that we can help you customize.

Key Benefits

  • Protect and brand your intellectual property (e.g. engineering plans, maps, architectural drawings, schematics, manufacturing diagrams, and etc.)
  • Use a combination of text and or image formats (e.g. PNG, TIF, JPG, SVG, CGM, etc.)
  • Apply it to single or multi-page documents
  • Can be standardized and retrocatively changed to reflect new status or changes
  • Assign different watermarks to different pages in a single script
  • Gives an option of utilizing invisible text for tagging meta data

Note: watermark can be a complex object or file for embedding/overlay

Set and Assign Parameters

  1. Opacity
  2. Blending modes (e.g. multiply, alpha blending, and screen)
  3. Size
  4. Fit (e.g. fit to width, percentage, and diagonally)
  5. Orientation (e.g. vertical, horizontal, or specific angle)
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